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All the original written content in the book Sharing Home and on this website, which includes references to the source material for that book, is protected by registered copyright (® 2010 CHAI), and it is the sole property of CHAI (Concern for Helping Animals in Israel). All original graphic content, created by Warren Gebert, is protected by registered copyright . Additional documentation is reproduced, or excerpted, with the permission of the respective copyright owners. Contact us to request permission to republish any material, electronically or in print, substantially or in part.


Some material that is not specifically authorized by the copyright owners may be included on this website in the belief that this educational use by Concern for Helping Animals in Israel constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material. Please contact us if you are a copyright owner who would like your work credited differently or removed.


The source articles linked from this website are provided as a convenience to our readers. They enable teachers and students to read detailed information about some of the subjects we cover. However, because articles can eventually be removed from their websites, we also include links to PDF versions of these articles. Please contact us if you are a copyright owner who would like the PDF version of your article removed from this website.